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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


cmr-dream-world.blogspot.com Welcome all..especially taggers.. I'm Meng Rui, currently in wonderful 1E3.. With loads of friends, joy & laughter.. Hope you won't mind leaving a tag because it doesn't costs you anything..Have a nice time viewing my blog ^_^

bold underlined strikethrough italic


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Get new bag
New Hp
Watch Eclipse DVD??
Cinema: Watch New moon
Hang out wif friends
Best Friends Forever
Get good grades

Watch Breaking Dawn

Have parties like we used to be



Meet the people I love♥

Bei Zhi Jessie Shu Fang Yi Cheng
Jie Rou Esther Mei Yuen 6-4!
Charmaine Gem Darren Lyka
Zoe Jane Liu Can Tammy
Beizhi 2nd blog Zhi Ning Xiu Hao Pethanakshi


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
September 2011
December 2011



Layout Designer:

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Shu Fang

looking at the com

my piece of nice cake

the CAKE

ru mei n the luminous light

playgroundjelly make by us.. bz, sf n i

the pool

me n joyce in swimsuit

us in swim suit

sf, joyce n bz talking

playing games





sf again!

sf n three eggs~

sf, too many sf

Hi there guys, a very happy 2010 to u guys.....
Too bad for me cos did not c the fireworks...
Well cos yesterday we went very wild n crazy...
Here goes... my mum wanted to celebrate my birthday at my uncle house yesterday... so.. invited Jocelyn, Stephanie, Shu Fang, her bro (did not turn up), Bei Zhi, n her 3 siblings... the car was really really pack.. like a sardine...then we went there...
Reached there n begin playing... actually the boys were playing ps2.. so we girls we like blowing balloon n watching them... After tat deceided to play water bomb...So bz ask got xtra clothes n then she told us to change into our swimsuits n we did... Then we reached the pool n the 4 of us, (me, sf, steph, joyce) sat at the edge of it.. very cold... then 1 by 1, we went in.. first steph go then after tat joyce followed by me.. then sf bt many many ppl so call help her in.. hehe...more like push... so swim n played water bomb...very fun...a while later, bz oso wanted to play so she went up to wear house clothes n then came down into the pool.. yeah! swim n dive.. soon, sf n i went back cos too cold.. Followed by them all.. realised bz lost her back of her ear ring so her bro helped her find in the POOL! amazing!
after tat, prepared dinner n ate.. oso took pics, very nice, tink joyce photos was the best...
Later, bz, her sis, joyce, me n my uncle took photos of us while they all played com...
very nice....
hope to show u bt cnt... cos instant..
Then we went to play at the playground, very dark n then joyce needed to go so very sad stuff... dont want to talk abt it... it juz sad.. n then then playing marco polo..sth like tat, dont noe hw to spell. very funny thought.. hehe.. very scary too..
went up n ate cake... ice cream cake oso very surprise tat the cake is still in a very gd shape after wat it went through..haha..
At last went home.. bt very late n steph.. wanted to bang her head already..
So finally, they went home..hw i wish tis day never end... got to bye!~

♥our lips must always be sealed
10:04 PM

Monday, December 28, 2009

Today was a really fantastic day for me....
Ok.. here goes...
Today morning went to sch to buy books wif bz n her mom.. Went there n then bought uniforms but still no top size.. haiz
After tat, queue to buy books n p.e. clothes... Very long n i waited very long.. n oso nt feeling very well.. stomach problems n guess wat... my hero..bz came to my rescue..haha, jkjk...she helped me bought every ting.... very grateful to her..
Afternoon, went to northpoint to watch Alvin n the chipmunk 2.. dont noe if spell correctly.. very cute n exciting... btw, went wif bz, sf, jl n dt.... took taxi there, hehe...
After the show, went to buy essential stuff n jl says tat he go home as he dont want to go time zone.. got to go bye..........

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:27 AM

Saturday, December 26, 2009

hi there,
u noe, nw my hp bill going to be very expensive tis month cos two inconsiderate ppl is arguing while in a join call n i m only listening too them..................... quick tink of a way!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:13 AM

Friday, December 25, 2009

hi there! Anyway wish u all a merry christmas to all of u! Nw i m going to tell you abt wat had happened tis few days... on 23th went to ai for OrIeNtAtIoN tingy n we were all separated except bz, sf n ey.... i went to 1e3, zhi ning 1e2, jerome 1e1... haizz very lonely...nobody same class as me.. tHEN nith, my aunt bougth us our christmas gift as well as food for us, yum! Oso, she bought me quite an expensive hairclip and stuff...
24th.. waited for my aunt to come but did not so read twilight the whole day... (first time read so much)
25th... supposingly to have buy books but relatives from indonasia came so we played host n took them around...
well today, they went home n supposingly going to buy bks later...btw, very funny juz nw, darren, bei zhi, shu fang n i joined calls, four of us on the same line talking..very funny... it gonna be a very crazy wk next wk so c ya...... ^_^

♥our lips must always be sealed
11:56 PM

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Haiz.. gotten posting of sch already.. bt do not noe if go to the same class as my best friends...
Gone to sch tis morning to collect result and stuff.. kinda of cool n missing every 1, oso, i tink there are only a few ppl tat go to ahmad ibrahim sec n i m so shock n happy tat i get in cos my marks are just the mark enough to go in.. then after tat, went to bz house to chat n play com- audition.. i very very poor.. really!.. Went home abt 4 plus n it was pouring n sf n i were kinda of crazy...running in the rain.. got to go, bye! got to go to the posting sch tmr..
* btw, thanks for the souvenir chrmaine

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:32 AM

Saturday, December 19, 2009

HI there!
Yesterday, I brought my bro to tution os of some reason with my father n met my cousin.. so we said helo to each other n oso realised tat their car broke down so we offered them to fetch them home.. n on the way, we used my father iphone gps to find some help but actually playing with it.. as the connection was poor, th car was alwas not in the rith land or it was on some property. N we were all laughing... tat all, c ya!

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:56 PM

Friday, December 18, 2009

Haiz... Very boring, got no 1 to talk to, cos Shu Fang got camp for 4 days n Bei Zhi is at Yishun.. wondering what she doing.. n i m stuck at home, noting to do... Hw i wish i could go out! Post again some day.. got to go

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:50 AM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wow, cant believe what we did today, we were really out of mind...
Here goes...
Wanted to watch new moon at 2 but there were some problems so until 1.45, bei zhi called me n said we are going.. shock, went to meet her and her bro at the bus stop.. U will never believe what we did.. we took a taxi there and still ask the driver to speed up as the show was 2 n we were..
Reached there and we realise that it was 2 so ran like mad woman, interrupting them, tat was fun, i could not stop laughing. So we went to find a escalater n bz n her bro knock into each other.. Then thought tat it was too slow so take the lift.. reached n bought the ticket, went to c the show. We seat in the nearest seat to the screen (compare to other ppl).. As we were confirmedthe last to reach... ( the show had already start...) The show was exciting... a little scary n funny.. wanted to c the continue story.. bz pls read faster! I want to watch again.. n again... it was so nice.. cant stop thinking of it. After that went to time zone n took phots, really, they are so nice...I love it! Then went to eat dinner.. Here are our photos taken.. ~

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:50 AM

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Haiz.... today my aunt came to my house n she juz came back from Sydney yesterday so was tire so my cousin did not come.. She bought lots of friuts and stuff for us.. Then my father came n bought us to ICA.. to make passport, yeah! Finally going have a new passport.. Old passport was still the baby pic, very funny... N guess wat, saw Mrs Kelly Tan crossing the road with a boy, probably her son.. quite a teenager.. Then went to do all those stuff n it cost $70 to make a passport.. Expensive leh! Got to go.. C ya.

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:32 AM

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hi there again, tis few days i went out so cnt blog....
Btw, on tue, my cousin came wif his dog, n played wif us bt went back quite early cos he is going to Australia the day after.
Then on wed, my aunt brought me n my bro to the shopping centre to shop... bought lots of sticker..
Very fun bt leg very pain...
Thursday, went to BZ place to place to play monopoly.. fun n also watch a movie bt dont really watch the entire ting... n went to my aunt house to have a slp over bt more like irritating them...
Today went out with my aunt to the popular book fair n bought lots of jeans instead of books.. n there were also performers... some very boring.. Also bought a keychain, maybe will post it someday, it cute!
(cant believe can squeeze everyting into 1 short post..

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:52 AM

Monday, December 7, 2009

Today, my dad brought me n my bro to Yishun Safra to play bowlingn also invitied my friends, bei zhi and her sibilings so sf can come, maybe next time! So we went together as she said tat she was bored so go loh! When there, played 3 rounds, n 2 lanes, boys 1 lane, girls 1 lane, very fun n funny, then 1 time, rumei throw a ball without al the pin n she gotten strke, pro, i stricked before once, very hard, n won them bt today, all the score very low especially the first round, very low!The boys also have strike n spare... Bz also score very high.. N oso, rumei do alot like my bro... Very exciting, oso got free tako to eat, yum yum, cousin coming tmr, post tmr!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:33 AM

Friday, December 4, 2009

Yesterday afternoon, Jocelyn asked me to go to Northpoint so I went wif Shu Fang to find her...........

Went there, went into timezone n played for a while, then went to give a name to buy sth n then to the library, went to find books n shu fang pile the whole storybooks she choose for me in front...

bt in the end, i only borrowed 5 bks n sf borrowed 3 bks... After tat, went to eat some snacks.. It was yummy, big hotdog.... But after tat, i also buy fries tingy wif a hotdog inside, just like wat jocelyn eat...then Shu Fang begin to say "s..h...i...y" bt u noe wat it mean rith, there r even more spelling of it... Jocelyn n I were punking.....

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:52 PM

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, I went 2 wait 4 Lyka at 3 plus cos SF not ready so go her house, then, at there, we chat n chat untill siao!! N i was almost behaving like siao tooo! I spotted a panda n a pooh n went to attack it as if they were sf hitting mine! Then she brought out another panda bear, n it also have a baby panda bear around its hand.... So i cuddled the two panda, n their 'imagination' went wild.... Immediately, they said out 2 names which i do nt really like, very funny guys! n then flying pandas were everywhere... n we were saying out other ppl names like sf, sb, rl... (sf, dont come after me!) Suddenly, the baby panda bear drop off the panda bear n haha, it does not have legs, n it does not look like a panda bear..! Then, when we said 'names' again, only wif 3 pandas (1 which do nt look like 1)
N sometimes, we also called the wrong names!
Next, went to Genia b'day party....
At first, competition on drinking a 1.5l 7-up, drank alot, feel like vomiting n also felt tat there is lots of lots of air in my stomach...
played water balloons n Darren threw 1 at me, n in the end, i threw back n other girls too, 1 also landed on his head... Poor him!
After tat, we went to play block catching, very scary, cos there was a dog n was barking when we were passing its house n the owner was scolding us...
When to eat dinner, yum, bt too bad Lyka has to leave already! After dinner, went to play murderer n dictective.. Played untill 10 plus... hehe, very late already leh! Bt in between, Bz had to go n accdentally took everyone hp, then return back bt still took sf bag, went down wif her n got her bag but her comb was still wif sf, sf ran after BZ car, very funny......

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:25 PM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Playing there

Shu fang


the Discusion

SF& me

Jocelyn & SF

Lyka & me

Lyka, sf n me

The three of us again

Gem & Lyka

Queuing for the rollar coaster

Another 1!

Angklung trip to escape theme park,
- reported to sch at abt 9 am- board the bus bt cannot fit so ex students took the second bus.
- reached there, went to play the pirate ship(very scary at first even my leg was shaking, but after few more trys, i tink i was used to it, n played, very fun, played abt 5 times)
- then we went to hauted house (very scary), d flying tingy (sat wif gem), wet n wild (very fast bt exciting n i gotten very wet while gem did not as she sat infront), go-cart( got stuck, even got the assitance to help,scary) i tink tat all.
- went for lunch n then it was raining cats n dogs, bad timing, chers decided to bring us back to sch, tat bad.....
- during d ride home, gem was telling mk all abt the trip.... very long leh!
-also we suggested of going back there next week wif miss khoo... hope she can make it!
-also when mk talked abt the 6-4 bbq party at her house, the 6 wonder girls (Lyka, Gem, SF, BZ n me) wildly n loudly said yes....... it was so loud tat everyone stared at us.. very ps leh!
- reach school n lyka, jocelyn, sf n i went to the playground for a wild n this small boy though we wanted to play wif him cos we fought for a swing next to it... yeah, tinks he is so clever! do whatever we do!!!!! but in the end he went off tat a huge relief!we played there n also saw bz mom n her siblings!!!!
Today, i learnt tat going out wif friends r fun n also learnt to face up wif my fear of heights, yeah!!gonner upload pics later, c ya!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:02 AM