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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


cmr-dream-world.blogspot.com Welcome all..especially taggers.. I'm Meng Rui, currently in wonderful 1E3.. With loads of friends, joy & laughter.. Hope you won't mind leaving a tag because it doesn't costs you anything..Have a nice time viewing my blog ^_^

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"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Get new bag
New Hp
Watch Eclipse DVD??
Cinema: Watch New moon
Hang out wif friends
Best Friends Forever
Get good grades

Watch Breaking Dawn

Have parties like we used to be



Meet the people I love♥

Bei Zhi Jessie Shu Fang Yi Cheng
Jie Rou Esther Mei Yuen 6-4!
Charmaine Gem Darren Lyka
Zoe Jane Liu Can Tammy
Beizhi 2nd blog Zhi Ning Xiu Hao Pethanakshi


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
September 2011
December 2011



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Friday, February 26, 2010

Yesterday wanted to blog bt too tired already so didnt blog... Band yesterday was kinda tired n i was panting breathelessly at first.. bt kinda get the hang of it later... we were like keep blowing n blowing n blowing.... saw along of ppl from different sections cos we were near the water cooler... oso yi cheng, jane n i went to the mcdonald to buy mcflurrie..doesnt noe how to spell, or they call it mcfluffy.. ^_^

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:34 PM

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today was a unexpected day, morning, i was like kinda sad, cos my mum never sign tat STUPID form! Doesnt matter nw cos....................................ya! Sabrina & I won the badminton match...WOOTs we wow...! I cant believe, n it thanks to Sabrina... Thank you so much, u r so good! I m all tired now... On the way saw Ms Wu talking to Jie Rou, Jia Qi, Jessie, Yi Cheng.. i tink... then walked home, gotto go... ^_^

Not to forget tat Sabrina, Shafawati, Shu Fang n i went to my house cos shafa n i forget to wear p.e. Then we went to eat n sabrina n i ate not more than 1/4 of the noodles n we ran like siao.. sf did nt bring anyting so she run very fast while the 3 of us behind.. when we reach we were like panting.. n shafa tell jeremy everyting...n i was like stopping her...Bt hooray... we won...

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:49 AM

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Woots, it has been abt 5 days since i haven blog, wow, tat quite long...hahas.. Anyway, today is a very TIRING day... Mostly becos of band! First as usual the clarinet sections doesnt have a clarinet... secondly we r watching the junior band play (sec1) N harmida.. the only girl besides me in clarinet n she was like boring n she even closed her eyes, like sleeping n then the teacher says abt it..i was like laughing way silently cos she was like sleeping bt in fact the entire class was laughing... oso, so unlucky get a clarinet mouth piece which is very loose.. blow the worse, nothing came out... no ideA y..? Yi cheng & Jane wanted to quit cos too stress... n i was like telling not to quit? bt i tink effort got waste........ Then shafa went to touch a black cat... n cos a black cat is unlucky, the 3 of us run away crazily... very funny... then talked at cheers abt not switching cca n then split... very tire n stess sia.... band still need to pay so much $$... N bb.....

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:09 AM

Friday, February 19, 2010

Today is quite a moody day for me..haiz...
-got scolded by tat Mrs Chew, cosing flour to be flying everywhere..
-during lit, i clip my hair cos it hanging all over my face n Mr Rama though tat i raised up my hand...omg!
-Band, every1 got scolded by band major..
Bt at the same time, very funny too!
During band when to wrong toliet..haha, only untill reach then realised n we were like omg n laughing away, especially me.. hahas
Band was really really boring for me............................... cos Clarinet section cant play cos only have the mouth piece while the REST of the band have a complete set which they all are playing n the clarinets will be there to c them play.. it is VERY boring... Then when home, actually wif Shafa n Jane n we played at the playground for a while before going home, it was very fun! Oso, my hp dropped 3 times? or even worse.. Anyway, today is friday, yeah! Finally got an break! Btw, the cup cake taste great!

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:04 AM

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today is a very boring day, went to sch got home eco test.. so hard.. die die for sure plus, still got hw.. n so for so on.. bt got no band today, YAY!! Tire, blog another dAY, bb!

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:08 AM

-------------------------------------Fun shot-------------------------------------------------
serious 1! ( no fair, zn taller than me already)

Fun shot--- from left top, zn, genia, me, veronica, pethanakshi,

left bottom, shi bo, darren, Mdm Tan, wei jie, thien hla

Mdm Tan!

Veronica & Zhi ning

W€! J!€ & Th€!N H1@ hahas

Shi bo & Darren

In the bus


Pet & Wei Jie

Yesterday, went to Mdm Tan house, yay! Went to Old Yishun abt 8.30 saw ZN n Genia on the way.. walked there together.. saw Shi Bo n Wei Jie.. then Thein Hla came.. waited for Veronica n Pethanakshi. bt when they came, we again must wait for Darren Toh..wait wait wait.. finally came then AGAIN wat for the bus which was so long.. finally boarded the bus n the 5 of us ( girls) sat behind, talked so loudly n haha almost got scolded.. most talking abt Pethanakshi Twilight "Jacob Black" haha..

Reached the bus stop n walked walked walked into the HDB flats to find the house.. Then reached her house, n it was a double story flat, so good! N we begn chatting n taking pics.. Oso most talkative prize go to Pet...hahas jkjk.. Darren n Shi bo were so acting like gays... N Veronica n i were cat fighting... meow! We ate cheese cakes n tibits too, yum yum! Dhivya came later.. it was really exciting, not to forget Pet disturbing Mdm Tan son, it was so funny n she even called him wrong name.. N they also wanted to wake her children wif slaming the glass.. hahas.. bt did nt do it of cos.. Nt to forget, Darren n Shi bo are banned from Mdm Tan house.. tat too bad..

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:22 AM

Hey there!!! How was your CNY? Fun? Well, mine was not so bad n quite fun too.. didnt receive much angbaos bt abt 200 most.. i tink.. n serving drnks crazily, hahas especially on the second day very very busy..

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:15 AM

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year to you all....!! TOday is CNY eve, yeah! bt unfortunately, it nt so good for me.. well cos of 1 BIRD.. oh, i tell u, i hate it alot... Today morning abt 11am, a bird flew into my house, n doesnt want to fly out.. it kept walking n walking through my house n the 'best' part is tat it do its business all around it, cosing my mum to go crazy.. while my bro n i locked ourselves in the study room wif the com, n was always laughing.. the bird really got problems.. realised tat it was hungry too cos my mum gave a piece of bread n it ate it bt she should have put it outside.. hahas. OSo, when we though it had flew out already, i walked to the living room to watch tv, guess wat, it was rith in front of me n i was like panic running away, u noe, nw when i walking around my house, i must scan before i walked.. horRiBle.. =0 Hope u guys hv a wonderful CNY!!!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
11:43 PM

SF n Steph
Walking to Northpoint

Pethanakshi & me

Cute Jocelyn & me

& Lyka

The hall

While waiting

The dragon dance

Continue part 3:

Happy new year guys!!! Yeah, tmr CNY eve already.. Today was a great day..woots.. !
At sch, Mr Zee talked talked talked then we talked talked talked.. mostly wif Jie Rou n Sabrina.. it fun.. then at hall, sat wif Jia Qi n Jie Rou.. Mei Yuen beside Jia Qi..talked & laugh during the concert.. it only 1h 20min.. Then go YISHUN PRIMARY SCHOOL..wif Bei Zhi, Shu Fang, Genia, Zhi Ning, Jerome, Eng Yang..we marched there..hahas, just walking there.. then cannot enter.. must wait.. there were many from ai too! JL went home.. after tat, we went in bt EY also went home.. Left ZN, BZ, SF, Genia and me.. then saw Mdm Kuek and sat wif her.. misses her..hahas slowly, darren came followed by veronica, subatra, dai ze, lyka, gem, pethanakshi, jocelyn, stephanie and many many more.. even helen and joanne came.. wow, we all in dif sch uniform.. N found out tat Gem oso play the clarint.. yeah! Oso went to find our teachers.. enjoyed very much.. N pet & i gave each other a tight slap, ouch! Wondered whose is hit harder..? After tat walked to Northpoint.. Stephanie, SF, SB, Darren, Wei Jie n me..went to eat then go home..tired sia!!! Bt worth it cos it great to meet yr friends after u hv nt seen them for abt a month.. again, i got some pics to show u!! ^ _^ I tink i m a very crazy camera freak who keep taking pics. hahas

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:41 AM

Jia Qi & me
Shafa & me

Mei Yuen & me

Ubaidah & me

Sabrina & me

My group picking up litter

1E1 n 1E3 picking litter


Continue part 2: Yesterday was beach cleaning.. went wif 1E1..almost embarrased our class wif them..bt anyway we had FUN!!! We were suppose to pick litter in groups of 4 and Ubaidah, Mei Yuen, Halizah formed a group.. we even found an motorcycle helmet.. n lots of other "interesting" tings.. Pls enjoy the pic :-)

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:20 AM

Thursday, February 11, 2010

As ususal, hi there.. yesterday too tired to blog so never blog.. it been abt 2 n a half day... i tink.. anyway on wed, hv band and i play the clarinet bt very bad, i tink i m the worst and shafic..dont noe hw to spell, was the best, he could play alomost anyting pei sin asked him to play. Btw, pei sin is my senior teaching us.. tired..

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:59 AM

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

As usual, hi there! Today was kinda crazy..hahas. cos today the last lesson was to decorate the class and we were like walking in n out of the class.. then we went to write messages and all, oso fought wif the boys inside the class room cos they want to come out bt we asked them to wait.. even worse, jeremy took je rou broom n then it was like sweeping me...on my shoulders.... n i was like shouting..anyway, our class was decorated, yeah! bt nw still got a mountain of hw to do... Not to forget (charmaine sure after me) Watch Okto Live tis Fri at 6.30, Charmaine Performing!!! :P

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:00 AM

Monday, February 8, 2010

Seemed like I m blogging almost everyday again.. anyway..CNY is coming, yay..can collect angbao..hahas..btw, today was exciting..chinese lesson, teacher says out our mark, then say wrongly.. cos us happy for nth... anyway, score very badly only got 44/70... ThEn P.E lesson badminton tingy..i wif Sabrina, Jessie wif Jia Hang, so sry Jessie.. double players.. It kinda of fun when we played against Jie Rou n Shafa. Then after sch, went to find Adwin for the lit proj and he said he gave Tammy then Cavell gave me the paper...n i m suppose to pass to the teacher....haiz.. N mr rama doesnt want the paper cos nt in complete set... Give Daryll he dont want to take then nw teacher doesnt want to accept unless whole class give the proj.. Tmr sure get scolding.. by him..

♥our lips must always be sealed
10:24 PM

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Juz came back from imm.. went to buy CNY stuff. Walked there abt 9 plus. Cant believe my bro did tat. While walking half way, a lady was talking to somebody saying "the coconut is nt fresh" n even before 1 min, my bro said : the coconut is not fresh. We were all surprised tat he said tat..bt laughed..OMG, i cant believe he would say so "rude" thingy..n he repeatingly said tat..hahas, went to shop at Giant untill 11 plus n bought untill 100 over..wow. My uncle so rich.. Then we walked back...tired

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:29 AM

Friday, February 5, 2010

Today is not a very bore day oso nt a very great day.. well, today morning i hv a stomach -ach n mrs chew was talking n talking away... then got sci test..freaked out..hehe.. lit class quite fun..bt my lit proj still working on it.. band.. therory again.. teacher anyhow say.. say today play instrument then therory therory again... very BOring..bt at least fun cos the girl from 1n2 (herminda) n a boy from 1e2 (danny) i tink.. were like arguing away.. n i was like looking at them hearing their talk.. i tink my group is the most noisiest..hahas...wish could try instrument....
Oso, at nith, went to the so call 'greenhouse' to buy flowers for CNY..very beautiful bt ExPeNsIvE.. bt did bought some too..reached home abt 11plus..

♥our lips must always be sealed
9:07 AM

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Juz finish tution, very tire... today was a great day for Mei Yuen cos it her b'day, happy birthday bt i tink she is irrited by the the entire class..hehe.. every1 was singing her bithday song..hahas so funny.. then at recess, sabrina, yicheng, jie rou, jane, jessie, jia qi n me sang her the birthday song n every1 looked at us..wow! anyway, chinese lesson almost doze off..cos of the teacher n ICT was the best although jia hang, adwin, mei yuen n i were kinda of chatting.. Then, after sch, cavell, tammy, adwin, jane n i went to the library to do the lit ca1 tingy..n jane n i waited 4 them bt later when to the library to first..discussed bt in the end, it seemed like we r chatting...n taking fotos.. (mostly tammy, jane n cavell) n we juz looked at them enjoying ourself.. n nw still doing research ...well got to go..bb

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:34 AM

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hi!!!!! now at sch com, com really slow leh... so decided to blog... bt got nth to blog..haiz... got to go now...bb

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:04 PM

Hi there... well came back from band..haiz, today therory.. very boring n oso exciting cos of sth..secret, wont tell.. today, class was kinda of fun except for the math.. home eco so fun..lols the teacher...tell us hw to do then when returned back..she tell answers from all of us n mei yuen was the best n jeremy wrote sth tat made us all laugh, in fact, all of our ans..hehe.. saw bz with sherily in co..playing er-hu.. then she saw me to..hahas.. hope tmr is a better day.. ^_^

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:03 AM