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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


cmr-dream-world.blogspot.com Welcome all..especially taggers.. I'm Meng Rui, currently in wonderful 1E3.. With loads of friends, joy & laughter.. Hope you won't mind leaving a tag because it doesn't costs you anything..Have a nice time viewing my blog ^_^

bold underlined strikethrough italic


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Get new bag
New Hp
Watch Eclipse DVD??
Cinema: Watch New moon
Hang out wif friends
Best Friends Forever
Get good grades

Watch Breaking Dawn

Have parties like we used to be



Meet the people I love♥

Bei Zhi Jessie Shu Fang Yi Cheng
Jie Rou Esther Mei Yuen 6-4!
Charmaine Gem Darren Lyka
Zoe Jane Liu Can Tammy
Beizhi 2nd blog Zhi Ning Xiu Hao Pethanakshi


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
September 2011
December 2011



Layout Designer:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Band is so tiring... reached home at 7 pm... & band was like everyone dying cos of the song.. :P
Later than went to bb tea shop! Wif Affine, Salena, Shafa, Yicheng^^
But went for a very short while only...

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:51 AM

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Second of day of sch was really bad :(
Forgot to bring bks..
& other stuff
Band was HORRIBLE!
Everyting go wrong!
Tmr still got band.. so tired!

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:10 AM

Monday, June 28, 2010

Today is the first day of sch.. haiz.. hv to wake up early again.. Went to sch n hv new timetable & new teachers.. my form teacher nw changed... haizz.... :P Alot of things forgot to bring... & tables r all dusty! Timetable so messy!!! Then, worse part was tat art lesson was the last lesson and mei yuen & i were the first bt then everyone looked at us.. we like wat the problem.. then we thought all kind of stuff & yicheng came out & we went to greet her... haha..lols!

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:02 AM

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fri-- Went out with sf...
to find math proj.. N thanks sf!! ^^
Saw two ppl.. yi cheng & katheleon.. cool rith.. !!!
eat & stuff..
Nith went to her house to help to some stuff & she followed me to print pictures... So fun!
Yesterday-- went out with my aunt in the evening & my parents in the afternoon to OG! Bought new stuff..yay!! So happy!! Ate with my aunt at a sushi shop, yum!
Worse of all.... tomorrow sch reopen!!!
both happy & sad
happy cos get to c my friends & sad cos hw still have nt done & gonna meet new teachers & stuff... 1 month juz gone like tat!

♥our lips must always be sealed
9:53 PM

Thursday, June 24, 2010

3 days left before June holidays are over!!!
So tired...
Today have band!
Brought instrument back sch...
Meet shafa before going
Played.... scales & a song- babara ann..i tink
Learnt tat before bt forgot!
Me & Harminder clar 2 & the 3 boys clar1
Did nt ans ques & then the whole j.band ran 3 rounds in total.. :P
Then band end..yippee!
When to bb tea shop wif:
Bought food to eat
Then afini & salena bought tis green & yellow homemade drinks
& we were like guessing wat flavor was it... 'wat afina said was so funny!!!
Then walked back bt then shafa wanted to escape from afini so she ran the other way down the slope & salena & yicheng when along ^^
Afini found us bt she dared nt go down the slope
We were laughing crazily!!!
Post pics later abt sth so grossed

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:10 AM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here wat i did... went to watch karate kid... so exciting & funny..too! WAtched wif my mother, brother & uncles... ^^ I like it!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
9:34 PM

Friday, June 18, 2010

Today was awesome!!!! I luv..it! Went out with jie rou.. so long never see her already!!!! :)
Anyway, we went to the library &.. she helped me out in my holidays homework... jr so smart!!! Then we went to take neo prints, so nice... :D Also, we eat too.. & bought food for my bro '._.
Later... found out abt the printing tingy.. so cool!! WEnt home ina very tiring way :P

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:11 AM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hi... it has been quite a few days... well... it seems like everyday is equaly boring... haha
OSo, havent finish all 3 book review... dead "=.=
Today... was a great day! WEnt to library with bz... more like shopping..haha
Tis is the first time bz & me ate so much too! WE ate the chewy bun.. no idea..& kfs & at the japan sections & drank bb tea.. cool rith?
Saw kuan yi- my senior & primary sch friend, & yugandhara wif her parents ^^
Bought a hp strip.. yea! lols. Borrow a no. of books... then oso took neo prints... very nice... first time tis year.. juz the 2 of us.. Not to forget those 2 of bz friends... irritated... :P
Sadly... time to go home.. :(

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:18 AM

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It so fast, it has been 2 weeks of holidays..well tis holiday is kinda boring & r almost pack wif cca... As usual, i m stuck at home...:(

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:43 PM

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


pics taken ~ pizza hut

I broke my record today...
morning, well band so waited for jane & went to band together.. almost late.. then played the b flat concert scale.. bla bla... my clarinet like maybe yesterday dunno wat happen then no sound come out. what the ____ ! Then a my clarinet senior give me a new clarinet.. hAppy at first then sad cos later i can't blow notes.... so frustrating..! Then the whole clarinet group got it... cool rith... oso later got a 'breathing from yr stomach' excercise, it so so funny....haha.. the instructor so noe how to make us laugh.. Bt clarinet section is like 3 ppl then tis may came in & wanted to help harminder learn her clarinet notes instead she play it herself & was so!!! can't stand her... hope harminder could play clarinet 2.. same as me...& not tat dany! "._.
Later then changed my clothes at home & jane followd me.. from there, we took a bus to causeway to meet sabrina & jie rou.. so cool...they were like waiting for us. Then we eat at pizza hut...so cool rith.. first time eat at there wif friends! Chat like sia! haha, then took neo prints.. love it.. sabrina & then took neo prints... the colour like so dark & we were like crazy ppl taking pictures, especially me.. bt it was so nice!!!!!!! :) Jane & jie rou left.. Then thought of going to the movies bt then nth to watch so then..... u nvr would noe... Sabrina & i went to .......................
Vivo City
So cool rith... i nvr gone to a place so far sia! WE go there juz to buy rubber bands... we shop... & stuff so exciting!!!
Then we bought bb tea & waited for my mum at the mrt station.... the 3 of us then took mrt back , it like so pack... SAbrina & i was chatting non-stop.. until i alighted at novena thanks to my tuition...
REached there at 7 pm plus plus, then we waited for my brother to lent his pencil box. haha, i forgot to bring it...
At class, the class boys & girls so naughty....& playul, they kept saying emo & said i emo... wth! Then they oso keep saying the replacament teacher for my replacement class.. so weird rith... the teacher wore red & black th colour of emo... wow, they noe a lot... i juz sat there laughing...
Class ended at 9.30 so sian, uncle sent me home.. so tired.. i broke the record of going home at 10pm- for tuition, omg!
Anyway, today was a great day! ^^ Wonder wat will happen tmr... o.O

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:03 AM

Monday, June 7, 2010

At the swing

bb tea shop

pics took at sch... we so call' miss our class '

Random pics during the trip to loyang sec ^^

TOday..haiz... is such a t.........ir............i........n............g day...u cn nvr imagine.. Morning, was actually having a good sleep than, got called awake by my mum cos jane was outside my house at 7 am..omg, she said 7.30 must reach, wow, i chiong lor.. well like a mad woman for sure. Then my dad fetches the both of us to sch.. yippee.. cos we olready late..
Reached sch & then packed our instrument & stuff.. yicheng didnt come :( Then took a bus there...sat behind wif Harminder & Aandra( nt sure abt the spelling sry abt tat ) Both dooze off.. so tire sia.. must be there until 5... i noe 5 pm.... bang the head on the wall.. saw bei zhi & shu fang going to dance too... they were going somewhere..
REached LOYANG SEC! Their sch big bt damn old.. Their sch &...a girls sch.. ps dont noe their name.. they r so so so better than ai...woh... we were kinda of like talking wif our own friends then i was like kinda of talking to them.. 2 ppl sit besides me... their name was charmaine & jermaine..cool rith & charmaine was from loyang & jer maine was from the girls sch... i talk to charmaine more cos she was like friendly & we were like keep doing the wrong notes...
Learnt a new song called overlord or sth.. played it bt i was a little blur..hah, buy lunch near by n ate it in sch... wif our sections.... it like eating wif unknown ppl... Ahmad bought his own clarinet.. so good... 3k u noe... hw i wish i could have 1 too..bt it is the least to happen... we were like so wat lor... the both sch like look down on us.. very annoying & we cn say tat they very act & proud...walao... tink they wat... anyway.. time juz pass.. SLOWLY.... mr ghazali was like talking to jane later on then he ask her to fasten her strip..n she got trouble & he ask the 2 guys beside her to help her then 1 wanted to help her or sth... then the other guy was like blushing over there...so talk talk talk, laugh laugh...so funny his face was red like an apple.. & then mr ghazali say jane dont flirt.. wt_! Soon it was time to go home.. yes, we r getting out of there.. took bus home.. nt to forget tat i have hit harminder like so many times... she was iritated by me..haha.. on the way saw ivan...omg, so many ppl stare out the window..
REached sch, mdm lor bla bla bla... & took band photo..cool
So after tat we went to our class outside n took photos of ourselves, lols bt cool -jane shafa & me.
Oso, we went to bb tea shop & i & jane bought milo & shafa bought ice-cream. yummy!
WEnt to the playground near ai... played there... mostly took photo & our jump shot failed...sad. Bt was FUN!! I like it! The pics were great..bt some no head on tail.. jane even fell to the bushes cos she laugh cos i fell down when i was suppose to jump...
Took quite a no. of pics!

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:32 AM