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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


cmr-dream-world.blogspot.com Welcome all..especially taggers.. I'm Meng Rui, currently in wonderful 1E3.. With loads of friends, joy & laughter.. Hope you won't mind leaving a tag because it doesn't costs you anything..Have a nice time viewing my blog ^_^

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"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Get new bag
New Hp
Watch Eclipse DVD??
Cinema: Watch New moon
Hang out wif friends
Best Friends Forever
Get good grades

Watch Breaking Dawn

Have parties like we used to be



Meet the people I love♥

Bei Zhi Jessie Shu Fang Yi Cheng
Jie Rou Esther Mei Yuen 6-4!
Charmaine Gem Darren Lyka
Zoe Jane Liu Can Tammy
Beizhi 2nd blog Zhi Ning Xiu Hao Pethanakshi


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
September 2011
December 2011



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Friday, July 30, 2010

Tis wk was not really great cos there were lots of tests.. chi, music, math & history.. not alot lar bt tiring n i tink i will b doing very badly... :( BAnd was very tiring.. so many songs..n national day junior oso must play.. 2 songs only.. haizz.... Almost got choked by yicheng on tues.. it was really funny.. Wth, don't go cca need go dentention if without letter or m.c n i semester only can give 2 letters max..Harminder did nt come to band n jane n i brought her instruments to mac.. n then jane n i wen to eat there cos we were starving

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:32 PM

Friday, July 23, 2010

TIRed.. today was not really a bad day for me.. Fun thought.. all the band members from 1e3 were in the class room for geo srp...lols! Band was sectionals... play play play.. then combine blabla.. haha.. after band went to toilet wif afini n shafa.. went back wif yi cheng n adwin was 'guarding' our instrument thanks to salena.. then wanted to go home then salena picked up her trombone but yi cheng did not noe n she took adwin trombone... omg! We all laugh.. yi cheng so damn cute!! no offence yicheng! Went to bbtea shop wif yicheng, shafa, affini & salena .. played instruments there.. then saw mei yuen there too.. hi! Suddenly got 1 indian boy shouted at us: 'eh! stop playing blabla!' At us... OMG! We were like amazed, i feel like smaking him.. After tat walked home.. talk half way, yicheng bus come mei yuen bus also come.. lols, left me walking home! TIREd!

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:14 AM

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hi................................... anyway... juz posting, so
yesterday was kinda a very bad day for 1e3 cos we were like staying back for 2 lesson.. art & p.e.. maths test was damn hard... the computer was so blur.. i like blur sotong.. the paper 1 was easier.. i was chioning it at the last 15min... haha.. art was scary.. we had to bring our art work infront... to show every1.. :P It was fun cos everyone got a chance to look at the 3-d object.. hope drawing lot next wk will nt be the first... & we were late for like 30min & i was giving free foolscap to 3 ppl n had to unzip my bag 3 times.. lols! P.e had to stay back for 'detention' bt only like 1 min & in the end almost the whole class was playing badminton.. very crowded bt then later nt crowded cos ppl were leaving.. Left at 4 cos tuition.. very tired by the time i reached home then dash to tuition... so long nvr play badminton i felt great.. remembering the old times... with my group members especially sabrina..haha! Tuition was cool cos went to find class which had to take lift & i was going level by level.. the class was so damn cool! nt plain old room..
Today was great! history teacher nvr come .. d & t was kinda fun... thank godness i didnt cut my hand..haha.. polishing was kinda hard n adwin arylic was like flying around..haha.. lols! Geo test sure die.. '._. Went home at 12.50 cos of the o level listening & then my aunt was going off back to hk so i also tagged along to sent her off! YAY! Took lots of pics.. post if i have time... later sth bad hAPPened n then had to got to jurong house n my dad & i was like running...lols.. tell u incident someother time..
Tmr is photo taking day.. dead.. have to wear uni, then got p.e & then have to wear band tee.. so troublesome.. i m dozing off any moment now.. so good nith every1!

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:03 AM

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today woke up late, end up rushing to sch... blablabla.. then hv long classes... time pass quite fast... haha.. sci lesson gone to sci lab.. meiyuen & dyner did nt come.. end up only jia hang & me.. wth.. mood got spoiled by his talking.. even worse, theresa came... sat beside me.. talk to jane who is beside me... wow, i felt like an object.. then do a experiment.. theresa & i nt so bad la.. kinda fun.. jiahang did himself, sad.. :) took a pic bt haven got the hang of my new hp so did nt post... post next time, c ya...

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:35 AM

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

band so tired & sian... so many new songs non stop.. expect us to master it by 1 day when i dun even understand it... i juz posting... also, yicheng & jane did nt come so boring juz 2 of us... haha

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:29 AM

Yippee!!! I finally have a nEw hp... my father contract expire & yes... samsung galaxy... thank u so much... !!! so happy... very cool.. sad bt got no internet... and im going to find a way.. hehe.. It got lots of lots of functions, especially the camera & messaging..... I SIMPLY LOVE it!


♥our lips must always be sealed
7:12 AM

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today is the such a tiring day! Morning p.e & then leave for band... band was so messy & stuff..changed into the band uni & was like unbalance in the shoes.. so aunty oso... Australian band coming to perform in a.i ... bt we juniors still hv to wear... haiz.... so weird... althought shafa, jane & yicheng wore it so nice... salena & jia hui too... They came & performed for 40mins... legs were so cram & i even accidentally hit ahmad back... :P lols... went to the library & interact with them... bt then shafa & jane long gone... haha.. interacting... i was tagging to yicheng.. & her friend, yu en.. we were helping out & stuff... in the end, we still have to interact... me, chen ying, salena & jia hui were sitting there... bt was speech less... '-.- haiz... bt some were really friendly towards us... the uni was really warm... in the end.. they left & we were like waving gd bye... it was kinda cool... :)

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:41 AM

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I know tat my blog is almost dead.. but never mind... i killing time
today was a great & bad day! The bad things r countless.... d&t, PC period.... Band
Good things is we went to chong pang to buy things for the band.. & guess wat... i saw Charmaine! So long never see her already!!!!! Misses u alot!
It not fair.. my uncle bought iphone bt was for my bro... wth! Who care... jkjk :(

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:35 AM

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Yesterday was a fun day cos went to eat sakae sushi then also visited my father friend house who is living in a 50 level hdb... bt he does nt live that high lar..
Today was even funner! Went to buy 'black shoes' for band... me, jane, yicheng! @ imm! Cool rith? Hehe, morning went to jurong point to eat lunch then back.. bt was 1 n they r meeting at 2... my mum & bro shop in the interchange for like 45min then they went home. &.. Jane reached.. we bought bb tea & stuff! Talk talk talk... Then yicheng & her mother & aunt came... bt yicheng juz go with us while they shop... Wanted to take shuttle bus.. bt must wait like 1 hr so WALK there! First time walking there sia! Went to the shoe shop & say this & tat.. yicheng fortunate bt jane & me wasnt so cos size 7 dont have and we need to buy size 8 & it was the last pair! SO, we walk back to the interchange n went to the shop there to collect it! After tat, we took the shuttle bus back to imm... reached there went to shop.. cool~ bt nt cool after reading the words.. of the keychain. :P After tat, ate mcdonald.. so funny... haha. Finally, we like aunty, went to the 1 n only- GIANT! :P Went there to buy wat my mum wanted to.. & we went to weight the food... wow.. the line is like queuing up to get free tings sia! We were all shocked.. haha... not to forget the line to pay $! It is like 1 long dragon! Then the cashier like say: maximum 5 items only..lols! Oso, when it was like our time, yicheng like shouted... helo everybody! & everybody turn back 7 looked at her especially the 1 infront of us, the indian guy! jane n i was looking & laughing... Soon, it was the end..haha. It so fast! yicheng mother came to fetch yicheng & they went shopping & jane n i were walking out.. she went to the shuttle bus & i was like walking home.. Reached home, almost dead! My feet was pain...lols! Hw haven do... dead! Tmr is youth day so Happy Youth Day everyone!

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:42 AM

Friday, July 2, 2010

Bored any way so juz post... blog almost dead! '-.-

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:46 PM

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I tink i m getting clumsier & clumsier every single day... morning went to sch.. my books suppose to be bang on the table bt instead it bang on the floor & nirwana was laughing crazy & so m i! Today is so boring! Except for some parts... eng was kinda interesting cos we went to groups & jr & i joined wif nirwana & shafawati.. lots of laughter... Not to forget jeremy can even change in the class & then the boys like getting the girls out... lols! Dont need they say we will oso get out 1 lar!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:04 AM