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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


cmr-dream-world.blogspot.com Welcome all..especially taggers.. I'm Meng Rui, currently in wonderful 1E3.. With loads of friends, joy & laughter.. Hope you won't mind leaving a tag because it doesn't costs you anything..Have a nice time viewing my blog ^_^

bold underlined strikethrough italic


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Get new bag
New Hp
Watch Eclipse DVD??
Cinema: Watch New moon
Hang out wif friends
Best Friends Forever
Get good grades

Watch Breaking Dawn

Have parties like we used to be



Meet the people I love♥

Bei Zhi Jessie Shu Fang Yi Cheng
Jie Rou Esther Mei Yuen 6-4!
Charmaine Gem Darren Lyka
Zoe Jane Liu Can Tammy
Beizhi 2nd blog Zhi Ning Xiu Hao Pethanakshi


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
September 2011
December 2011



Layout Designer:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Firstly, I would like to wish everybody HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! It the 31 october.. hahas.. Wishes to go trick-a-treating.. lols.. not sure if it is spelt correctly. :P Anyway, still had a great day, with BeiZhi, her family and ShuFang.. It all started first when i saw them out of the window.. then sms them and they went up my house.. So I went to play basketball with them at the blk 111 basketball court.. but when we were resting, somebody took our space and then we were just standing there.. soon my father came and then decided to bring us to sembawang cc.. but it does not even have a basketball court :( Went back and found out that Chong Pang CC has an empty space so we decide to play there.. Saw Samuel and his friend.. First, we were playing randomly then we played more like a game.. soon, we were like so thristy and there was like not a single water left.. While i was busy messaging jr, Khay Lin and Ru Mei were chasing me to see the content of it.. [TOP SECRET] LOLS.. it nothing interseting :P suddenly, beizhi aunt came to the rescue as she gave bz money to buy a huge drink for all of us.. Later, her father came and he played with the boys.. while the girls were sitting on the bench drinking and eating.. soon, the girls invaded the entire place.. :P We played monkey then we split into groups.. BZ and SF a group while Rumei( bz sister), Khay Lin ( her cousin) and I were a group.. we had so much fun!!! I played until very tired.. Played ice and water later.. rumei was the catcher while Khaylin shufang and i were the 'runners' bz came later and we were doommmm! The day then end there.. it was really a great day but it was also very tiring :D Not to forget that it was the first time i am playing basketball out of school.. hehe.. Got to go now.. will post pictures soon

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:14 AM

Friday, October 29, 2010

OMG!!!! I just finish my speech.. so damn badly done lor.. Like the mic no sound like that.. so dead meat this time lll._. Went to sch in the early morning.. then the four of us- Min xue, Afiq, Jerome and i were like taking mr rou ( don't know how to spell) 's car. Reached YPS around 10 and the entire thing was only ariund 15min!! So short!!! However, i saw mdm kuek! Hi Mdm Kuek!! haha.. But there was little conversation between the 3 of us. :( Then min xue, afiq and mr lee went to aips.. and we went back to ai.. walked home.. tat all..

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:24 PM

Hi! Went to Bei Zhi house just now to watch movies~~
At first we watched TWILIGHT! It is officially open at 2 plus.. haha cos it is my first time watching it.. then going to watch camp rock 2.. yea!

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:32 AM

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My 200 post.. hahah
Anyway, today is PTM day.. Went to collect results... Reached school like 7 plus and there was less than 10 ppl in the room. Waited with jie rou.. sian.. Mr thiru and mdm xie all came late.. toook result.. :
Eng: B4
Chi: B3
Math: A1
Sci: A2
Geo: B3
His: A1
Lit: C5
D&T: B3
Art: A2
H.E: A2
Music: B
P.E: B
TOTAL: 711/1000
LEVEL " : 20/ 153
Haha.. satisfied with results :)
After that went with Shafa to d&t to meet the rest who were going to their primary school to talk.. Had to go there with jerome tmr.. sian.. i don't know how to say my speech sia! Panicked.. :(
After that returned to class.. stayed there for a while and then went to northpoint.. ate there with sabrina, jia qi and yi cheng.. saw bei zhi on the way back.. hahaa... I wondered how it gonna be..?

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:27 AM

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ahhhhhh! Wat m i going to do..
IDK! Tomorrow is ptm.. yipee.. last day of school! But also getting results. Sad~ Today was kinda fun.. pe was the best. Played captain ball.. So fun! It reminded me of the old time in 6-4.. Still, playing with 6-4 was more fun but today was also.. The rest of the day was kinda returning the paper..

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:02 AM

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog is kinda dead.. who cares.. muhahaha
TOday is another day.. another day towards end year examinations. Yeah! D&T was kinda fun today.. create our very own 'keychain' :) NICE! The rest were watching video and stuff.. Had the best eng lesson today!!! Making paper airplane.. and throwing it around the classroom and courtyard. Soo fun.. Soon it was end of the day. BAND! Did some playing of notes and then drills.. DRILLS so tired sia! LEft right left right.. malay words.. always lost! Backbone pain sia.. Laugh until stomach pain.. Patricia was like also laughing and stuff.. then ran up music room before 30 secs, pathening like siao.. and then play.. Lynn was sitting beside me.. so scary.. i dare not play. Finally went to bb tea shop. Jia Hui and Salena so ________ .. Yi Cheng got their 'dieases'! I can't stop laughing.. well tomorrow is the second last day of my sec 1 life.. woots!! sad...:( hahah

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:42 AM

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ello!! :D No words to descibe today i guessed... Time passed really fast today.. and also in a baad way. Went to class 4e sth for lesson cos of the O levels. Missed old classroom though.. Got hitted in pe class by joel grp in the hand.. pain sia.. haha! We were watching bafflexed songs by varies races.. so damn funny sia! Math was horrible.. Doing a online test.. wt.. kept asking jia hang and dyner question cos mei yuen was absent.. ll._. School ends like this.. Tuition was even worse.. did a presentation.. who ask me to be born on jan and be the oldest in the class and had to present first.. did a very terrible job.. haizz.. That it for today.. byes~

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:30 AM

Friday, October 22, 2010

It friday again.. hehe! :D One week has past. Today is Jia Qi birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU JIA QI!!! Also, we have a ceremony for the sec4 & 5 who will be leaving us, all the best for O levels.. LOLS! It is kinda cool cos we don't have such thing in primary school.. it was quite touching too! 2 boys from sec5 who was giving the speech was super fun.. they wrote on a list- try to book me. :P And he was wearing pink slippers, worn diff kinds of badges and also 'dye' his hair blue!!! THe girls from express's speeches were kinda touching.. LOLS! It is also the last day I will be studying in class 1E3 cos we are moving to the senior block cos junior block level two is needed for o levels.. sad. hahas! Band was kinda HORRIBLE today.. Yicheng and Jane didn't come and then Shafawati went back home to take p.e. SO left me alone with Sabrina, Jia Qi and Jie Rou. Then went toilet but when we returned, band already started and it was not even 2 yet.. who cares.. rush rush then go set up instrument.. band room was kinda empty and then Ramisah asked where are the rest.. Went for a 1hr sectional.. IT GONNA KILL ME! The song damn hard.. To challenge the skies and heaven above~ then tried out robinson crusoe.. even worse ._.lll ANd that May was like ____!!! I feel like using my clarinet and bash her up!!! BOrrowed her file then cher say close it, without asking just close it.. wth! Ask me to photocopy the piece and then she was like i MUST have it before monday.. think she wat arg?? My boss? Trying to order me around? Go die lar! (ps, i in a terrible moon) Well, band ends late today and mr de even tell us wat ahead of us.. not really looking forward to some of it, especially the camp cos this school is somehow kinda spooky.. D: Well, after band, walked out of the sch with Shafa, Ramisah, Afini, Salena.. Then saw Zhi Ning so we walked home together.. it has been a long time since we walked home or go school together.. Last but not least, school holidays are coming in like a week time.. kinda look forward to it but at the same time not.. cos i will be a sec2 when sch reopen.. and i will have to kill time.. n there will stll be band! Looking forward still cos it gonna be a break for me.. and so whatever i want! :D GTG now..bb!

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:01 AM

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Whoa~ Today is 2o/10/2010
received back the total marks for end year examination.. haiz.. very bad!!! Everyting was back to normal though.. Kinda okay lar.. Pe was scary. I almost got hit by Tanvi for almost 4 times!!!!! After band was crazy.. Ramisah, Salena, Shafawati and Afini were heading honey hut then Jane and Jia Hui were heading cheers. Yicheng and I were indecisive. Decided to go with Jane they all Yicheng followed.. We all bought a pie and ate in the middle of the street. Then saw a mice. Only Jane didn't see it. Then later Yicheng and Jiahui saw two and i quickly step out to see.. OMG!!! So adorable too!! Jane then suddenly gone gila!! She was so freaking scare that she dared see it, just like how i am to cats!! :( Anyway, that was a surprising incident. Btw to yc : can't really stop that habit. :P

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:11 AM

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hiii there again:) ~
Going freaking wild tis week.. cos it is time to get my results..!! HOwever, i did very badly for the end year examination :( Mostly 2a, 1c and many many bs! I guessed i m pleased with my math, history and english results only :D
Today was kinda fun and also dissapointing.. sabrina also didnt come sch.. first period was pe.. sweat like hell and realised that i forget to bring my waterbottle to school.. dying for water the whole day. lols! Next was literature.. at first thought that i passed and then i realised i failed by 1/2 marks.. scary.. but in the end passed cos cher forgot to add 1 more marks.. i was so happy!!! Then he didnt noticed and then go say that there were 4 faliures and there are a few who is in the border line.. and in the end it was only me and my name was read out... very ps sia!! Next was chinese kinda okay okay lar. nothing new... :( After recess was english.. the lesson was very fun.. we were like taking our result then the whole group behind- mei yuen, dyner, jia hang, adwin, yughandhara and i were saying how much u got arg??!! Especially Jia hang and Adwin.. Getting our marks were so exciting sia.. i was like so excited whether i failed or passed.. compo and sit writing werent so good but then summary and compre were kinda satisfied! OVerall get B4.. Geo was next. Marks was okay lar.. many failures thought.. :( The teacher also kinda weird! After school was band. HAd fun with yicheng, shafawati, ramisah before that. Jane wasnt there.. Talking about band, it was terrible! It was worsed then before! Tmr will be even horrible cos the yam is going to sit beside me.. sry if i keep saying that cos i really had a bad feeling abt her and kinda hate her lot!!! Do band tinks we have elastic hands, tink we could play so fast! :O Tmr is going to be a very very bad day!! :(

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:51 AM

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ps: some photo are bigger than the other.. I got no idea except that it from my hp
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:28 AM

I am just posting the pictures that had been taken by my handphone this week. :) tat all
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:23 AM

Friday, October 15, 2010

Whoa~ I can't believe I read finished breaking dawn..finally.. LOLS! Now back to twilight again and i think i kinda addicted to it AGAIN! I wonder that is a good or bad thing?? :) ANyways, the one week holiday is gonna be over in like a few more days and then I will be getting back my horrible results :( Kinda wish that it would slow down a bit... haha. Anyway, went out with Jie Rou yesterday and took neo prints.. it kinda cool thought.. finally going out with her :D I got to go.. cya

♥our lips must always be sealed
9:27 PM

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I m going to post some other pictures today but not right now cos i do not have my url now. After tuition, went out with Shu Fang to Causeway Point to eat and take neo prints. It is the first time I took with her. IT is so NICE sia! Gonna post some of it later cos SF hp have infrate.Went to the food court to eat before going home.. It very weird today.. the people all we talk to like weird werid one... lols! Took MRT home then went there to buy bb tea for Bei Zhi and myself.. hehe :) That for today.. bye~~~

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:52 AM

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today is consider a crazy for me :)
Went to Bei Zhi's house in the early morning to watch Camp Rock 2.. It is cool watching with her. Laughed and stuff! Thanks for the morning cereal though!
At noon, went to the Causeway Point. Waited for Jane.. went block hunting.. cool right? However in the end, failed and Jane came searching for me as I was lost! Took taxi there with Jane. Jia Qi and Sabrina weren't there yet. Wanted to take with Jane first but then the neoprint spoiled. :( So decided to go AMK hub. Waited for them at the MRT station and then took MRT to there.. Reached there and then go eat one type of ice cream.. so damn nice and it is all thanks to Jia Qi. Soon, went to Timezone.. and took neoprints.. they were kinda nice. I looked so weird! But still very nice.. finally took individual with Jane :) Loved it lots! Well, that all for today.. post again some other day. Bye~

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:58 AM

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hi!! =D Once again i am posting again cos there is nothing i can do.. it seemed like having exams, we will be revising until midnight, craving to do lots of things but then when there is no exam, it seemed as if there is nothing to do.. :( That what i am feeling now. BORED. 1 week of holidays and i don't know what to do except going tuition.. thought i dislike going there every MONDAY! After that, i will be really facing the music.. panicked! :( That all for today\(.__.)/

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:44 AM

Friday, October 8, 2010

Exams are finally over.. yipee.. but still have to face the result in a week time.. dead meat -.-ll Can't go with sabrina, jie rou and them cause my parents don't allow me going so far to watch a movie:( Really sorry to all of you! In the end, went to northpoint to eat lunch with beizhi, so I went to her house first.. chat and stuff in there & then walk to the bus stop. Bei zhi called her parents then her father drove her mom, sister and us as they were going there to eat too.. :) Ate for about an hour plus.. the food was very filling.. Took neo prints after that and also went shopping in minitoon.. became crazy over a luminous strip!!! Also saw many familiar people like Jia Hui, Salena and Dai Ze..! Kinda cool..That all for today.. Btw, it is Bei zhi & Ru Mei & Me in the photo=)

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:18 AM

Friday, October 1, 2010

2 papers down.. many more to go... :(

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:03 AM