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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


cmr-dream-world.blogspot.com Welcome all..especially taggers.. I'm Meng Rui, currently in wonderful 1E3.. With loads of friends, joy & laughter.. Hope you won't mind leaving a tag because it doesn't costs you anything..Have a nice time viewing my blog ^_^

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"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Get new bag
New Hp
Watch Eclipse DVD??
Cinema: Watch New moon
Hang out wif friends
Best Friends Forever
Get good grades

Watch Breaking Dawn

Have parties like we used to be



Meet the people I love♥

Bei Zhi Jessie Shu Fang Yi Cheng
Jie Rou Esther Mei Yuen 6-4!
Charmaine Gem Darren Lyka
Zoe Jane Liu Can Tammy
Beizhi 2nd blog Zhi Ning Xiu Hao Pethanakshi


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
September 2011
December 2011



Layout Designer:

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ello! =D Not going to post for the next two-threee days cos i am going for band camp D= I don't really like to go sia.. All the drills, playing the clarinet... I SUCK AT It! Anyway.. had band today, actually it a 3 days 2 night band camp but then it only consist of 1 night.. so today just having day camp.. very tired but kinda fun.. did the breathing thing first then when to do drills till 12 noon where we ate our lunch.. saw ncc land pitching their tent in the field and saw drama club ppl during lunch.. it wasn't really appetising. went for sectionals.. walao.. die die die~~~ playing the clarinet. Had solo after that was like so frightening.. trombone player all like so daring.. lols! Then flute section like so pro.. mine is horribe and Jeremy from trombone still play the same thing.. Mr De was like emotionless like that lor.. like unhappy with us.. I hope band camp tmr will be fun and interesting.. no scolding and stuff... gonna slp in sch tmr.. Hope it pleasant =>

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:05 AM

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Today had been a wild day.. Firstly.. had egg bread breakfast.. yum! then went to tuition.. when to this classroom name Paris 2 and didn't know where the heck where Paris is.. ( the class name) Then inside was like so freaking dark and then there was like showing naruto shippuden.. lols there were this few guys watching it.. And I was so lost sia.. Got into the replacement class and the teacher name was Mr Casey Leong..he very enthusiatic i guess but the class was super dead '.___. Ate at Thai Express with my brother and parents.. super spicy man!!!!! Even my father who eat spicy things said it hot!! LOLS was like drinking lots of water.. and there was this Barney show.. took some pictures cos super bored.. haha. Reached home and played monopoly with brother and uncle.. i m the banker.. [being superior] haha.. Later play Clarinet.. even went to the net to search for simple songs.. lols. Cos TMR GOT CLARINET SOLO!! I dead meat.. "._______. Lets just hope for the best.. cya tmr.. have lots of things plan out for this week. See that picture there.. hehe. Its barney. lol and they having a live show at where my tuition place is and i super bored so i took a picture of it.. haha

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:45 AM

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Top: We playing @sentosa beach~
Bottom: The ice cream~topless five~ @swenson

Had band again yesterday.. tired.. Had the clarinet SOLO in the section yesterday.. was super scary.. Shafiq and Dany cried.. but we don't have to eat wasabi.. it was really nervous waiting for our turn. Kinda felt that I play MOF a little better than yesterday.. YAYS! LOLS! After band went with the section to northpoint cos Pei sin is going to treat us to ice cream.. yum.. Went out of the sch kinda late.. And walked with Mr De and ppl from trumpet section, Adwin and Keith.. While walking out, they were like lending the water spray thingy from Keith and was like aiming everywhere.. super fun to c.. Ate at SWENSON!!! The ice-cream super delicious!!!! Especially hazard-nuts :) Later, took bus home.. and it was drizzling..
Waked up early today.. cos Clarinet section is going to Sentosa beach for outing.. took bus with Kuan Yi to Causeway to meet the rest then realised that trumpet section also going.. took mrt there and then while at the dhouby ghout interchange, while squeezing in, Jie Ying, Farra and Pei Sin gana bang by the door. Super scary sia! Reached there with our legs all tired.. WALKED to the beach.. played at the beach like the waves, volleyball, frisbee and many more.. there were also like many people trying to carry Patricia into the water.. super funny, she was like really really wet.. then they try saboging people in.. also, they carry the water and throw on top of their head.. thank god never gena. End up going to vivo city and eat. Kinda nice.. then took mrt home.. home sweet home.. haha! Also, thankyou the unknown female stranger who shared her umbrella with me!!! :D
To BZ: Have a great journey!!! :D

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:04 AM

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I kinda think that my blog is dead... anyway, thanks for all the people who tagged~
Well, today was equally tired as yesterday as it was sectonals for 3hr!!! Sectionals was like so tired and i was like half dead alrd by now and also blow quite lot that my hand and mouth was freaking pain.. haiz.. even had to bring clarinet back and practice.. i don't know even if i will do it today or i will just suffer tmr. While having sectionals, there was this loud lightening which was super scary and loud then peisin standing facing us was like shocked and dany laughed so loud that we all join in.. Band ended and we ended up in the toilet.. lols, Taking photos.. post them tmr.. and then went to honey hut and eventually, saw BZ siblings playing badminton.. Got to go.. i m super bored~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:00 AM

Monday, November 22, 2010

Today is a very busy day for me.. it was tiring..
Firstly, waked up in the early morning just to go for BAnD! Super tired and had sectionals.. sec 1 all gana.. but i m still the worst of all.. then some of us had to sit aside while 'the better' members play and mr de even say that they are the syf batch and shafa, yi cheng and me said welcome to the club for losers... LOLS! But i sure die one lar by the rate i am going and then i also went for tuition and then when i ask Patricia, the stand bang! OMG.. LOLS! And i ran out.. Tuition was kinda fun and one classmate even said what a nice colour of sch skirt i had.. that all for today.. bye~~

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:15 AM

Friday, November 19, 2010

Yippe.. :) Finally went out with Sabrina, Yi cheng, Jia qi and Jie rou.. So happy. Met at Northpoint at 12.30 and i get out of the house at 12.31.. '.__. They were like there already.. Took 800 cos i missed 812 and it was like so slow.. And i even saw Joel and Adwin waiting to cross the road i guess.. so surprising sia.. Then reach Northpoint saw Steffie.. And then meet Sabrina and Yicheng.. we then go find Jia qi and Jie rou.. After deciding, we went to Golden Village.. cineplex.. At first we planned to watch Rapunzel but 25nov then out. So after a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg decision, we decided to watch Harry Potterand the deathly hallows part 1.. [something like that..]- the last series of the novel.. Kinda scare and stuff at first cos none of us are harry potter readers and like blur blur one. Bought popcorn and a drink as it is a combo set or something with Sabrina and Yi cheng also bought hers.. Sat differntly from our usual space again and the show was about to began.. the entry of the show was already terrifying.. haha and when one guy was talking, Sabrina, Yi cheng and i were laughing like mad and Jie Rou and Jia Qi said ppl are looking at you.. lol! Although i know nothing at all.. but it was really interesting.. There is many kind of scenes, like the snake part.. scary sia then after it was calming then suddenly return.. damn scary sia.. Like wat Yicheng said on fb... can faint one.. Kinda of like have groanning coming from me and we were like closing our eyes and ears and Jie rou like unaffected.. And sharing our food is great cos we were like in the middle of the movie we were like eating the last bit of it already.. So cool!! =) Well, hope to see part 2 of it next year.. want to know the ending of it, i kinda want to find out wat happen in the first book.. LOLS! Btw, to sf: [we should have gone to see the half blood prince last year when you said you wanted] After that went to take neo prints and then buy food and drink at mac and they followed me to print pictures at a shop and i saw Yang Lin and her friend. Enjoyed it alot.. especially the movie :)

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:32 PM

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Never did i believe there would be sectionals this morning.. ARG!! Had to wake up early.. At first scare that there will be no members turning up.. but then saw Kuan Yi, Hui Yu, Siti sitting on the bench.. went to Hui Yu and Kuan Yi and chatted.. quite long before Hazzry and Pei Sin came.. realised that Dany and Hamisah not coming.. :( Saw jia qi too.. waiting for choir.. long time no see her already.. Then went to the band room.. play play play then went home.. sian lar..

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:28 PM

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Today was supposed to be a great day for me cos band was very fast.. Played the set piece for SYF- memories of friendship or something similar.. was quite a nice song but it is so hard!! All those high notes.. haizz.. can't play like almost 90% of the song..i a failure "._. May didn't come today and we were feeling peace and quiet for once.. lols, i m evil.. muhaha. Then Harmidar came but she wanted to quit.. She talked to Mr De and i think he is dissapointed but she gets to quit and join netball.. Went down with her and Shafa.. it was raining non stop and then saw Andraa, Verine, Dany and their gang.. Shafa and i went out first then we saw Keith and Adwin on the way out.. lols they were like waiting for the rain to stop.. Shafa and i went to walk undernaeth the block.. And our shoes were freaking wet!! :) Weeeellll.. hope i would'n fall sick.. That all.. byes~

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:47 AM

Monday, November 15, 2010

Today is like the worst day of my life!! There is a exchange programme with SAC and Loyang secondary.. And it at SAC.. Well i guess it their holding school cos it was like so damn messy and the toliet.. i hate it.. it like hauted.. no offense.. Well i was very unlucky as the clarinet, may's stand and clarinet, stand.. all like suddenly attack me.. pain sia! The set piece was like freaking hard.. it stink man!!!! And i hate having exchange programme.. anyway.. i m so tired!!! Sorry if it is a short post.. cos i have no energy to type anymore '._.

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:36 AM

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Well I m bored to death.. Haha.. Lols.. Maybe I am too bored until the friday incident keep poping in my head, making me laugh and reminding not to take the bus to novena for tuition tomorrow.. Thanks so much exchange programme for having a day earlier for my tuition which I had to chiong just now.. No offense.. ya, I just bored and realised the blog is almost going to be dead.. Nevermind and thanks for those that had been tagging.. I appreciate it alot and good night.. Go to go :D
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:47 AM

Friday, November 12, 2010

This is what that had been taken during the show mega mind.. Have fun looking at it :"
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:41 AM

Whoa~ today is a really crazy day for me.. went to Northpoint to meet Shafa and Ramisah as Shafa wanted to eat lunch there. After that took bus back to ai and on the way, saw Afini in another bus. Band was normal today. Then after band, we- shafa and me decided to go to the CCA branch to support our seniors. Ended up with Priyaka, Bhavvhani, Dany, Yong Jie, Adwin, Boon Yong and Shafa.. bought food with at Old Chang Kee and saw bz and her cousin. Therefore, the adventurous adventure begins right here.. so,we took the bus 171.. for more then 1 hour.. i sat with Shafa...during some period there was so many people.. saw many good schools too like nan yang girls school.. it is like so grand and beautiful.. we were like all seating except Adwin. Then later saw newton mrt and then like it was already so late but then Bhavvhani said they still waiting for us so we continue the journey.. Later, we reached right infront of Far Is Plaza.. Omg.. orchid leh.. i never been so far.. then Dany go ask the bus driver and then he was like grinning when he return and then the bus door open.. then the boys alight and we also all followed him.. i did not even know what was going on.. Dany was like telling us we overshot by 3km and we like laughing non stop.. especially me and Dany.. and we were infront of Far Is Plaza.. i felt very paiseh as we were like wearing SCHOOL UNI and walking around orchid area.. we took the bus back to newton mrt then take mrt back Yishun.. on the way was like we were like thinking of our crazy adventure and Dany was like asking.. what have we learn today.. Shafa say not to take bus 171.. and i was like never gonna take it and Danny was like we should go with our senior next time.. mrt was fast.. in the blink of eye, we alighted at Yishun mrt station.. Dany they all live at sembawang and like Shafa, Adwin and i was like walking to the bus stop which Adwin walked home and Shafa take 812e and i took 812.. it was really creepy.. i walked in the bus and realised that there is a bag underneath the seat infront of me.. Omg. I was like first panic then ignored it. This is like the best crazy funny adventure i had so far.. abnormal one.. haha.. had quite a day..
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♥our lips must always be sealed
8:24 AM

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hi there once again! TOday was super great!
Had a great day today thanks to Jane and Yicheng! :D & i was broke at the end of the day! :(
We watched the movie MEGAMIND and it was kinda humourous and exciting..
Actually, we took a taxi there with Jane as we are kinda late and then Jane thought the Indian taxi driver was talking to us and she was like huh?
Kinda funny and we tried searching for his ear phone as i said that he was speacking on the phone..
Reached there and bought the ticket and stuff, then enter the cinema-- cinema room 6.
Got the 3-D specs and then was like so dark and I was like afraid that there is stairs so i walked like so slow.. and i almost mistaken a girl was yicheng..
Jane was daring cos she walked like damn fast looking for the sit..
got to our seat and realised that Jane sit has been taken by this girl..
so we were like no idea to sit and then we like walking around and stuff..
in the end, we were like sitting in the seats beside the wall.
Later when the show ended, we realised that we were the only one sitting on the entire columb..
cos all the people was sitted on the centre columb..
we were also the last to leave the theatre.. it was like so exciting.. went to timezone to take neo prints.. it was really nice! :)
( Mainly cos i didn't take with them for a long time)
Also went to eat.. yum.. then jane went to find her sister and yicheng and i go home..
that all.. kinda had fun~ yea cos of all the band practises.. busy! Got to go now.. bye! :) Post other pictures soon

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:42 AM

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This week is kinda less tired and boring as last week cos band seemed to past very fast and tuition was kinda interesting.. Other than that, im kinda bored at home.. I m blur. I feel like going out sia! Well, there nothing else.. sian..

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:57 AM

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Went out with my parents just now for a walk cos my brother left his things in his tuition centre. Then wanted to take a walk at the near park but there was nothing to see. Later went to the reflection place but it was close. sad! well, i was really boring so i posted tis. I m bored but i m pack with many things to do, like tuition homework and presentation, planning to do it tmr, not sure about the homework part cos i do not have any ideas at it! panic! Doesn't want to think about it thought. :(
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:58 AM

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Well this is all the pictures taken during the game at ccc
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:42 AM

Monday, November 1, 2010

It is really a crazy day.. MY CLARINET BOX WAS JAM!!! ARG!! GOING MAD! Had to use Andraa Rc clarinet... kinda cool to play but i felt mine was still the best.. hehe although it is not a rc.. :P Band was about it.. Ate at Wendy's with Ramisah, Shafa, Yicheng, Jane and Sabrina.. @ northpoint.. after eating, went back with yicheng cos her mum at home while i got tuition.. Tuition today was fun but next week is not gonna be as it is PRESENTATION again.. *groan* Learn some political names for certain words.. have one word so funny.. can't tell cos it erm well.. don't know how to explain it.. tat it for today.. BYE~

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:28 AM