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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


cmr-dream-world.blogspot.com Welcome all..especially taggers.. I'm Meng Rui, currently in wonderful 1E3.. With loads of friends, joy & laughter.. Hope you won't mind leaving a tag because it doesn't costs you anything..Have a nice time viewing my blog ^_^

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"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Get new bag
New Hp
Watch Eclipse DVD??
Cinema: Watch New moon
Hang out wif friends
Best Friends Forever
Get good grades

Watch Breaking Dawn

Have parties like we used to be



Meet the people I love♥

Bei Zhi Jessie Shu Fang Yi Cheng
Jie Rou Esther Mei Yuen 6-4!
Charmaine Gem Darren Lyka
Zoe Jane Liu Can Tammy
Beizhi 2nd blog Zhi Ning Xiu Hao Pethanakshi


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
September 2011
December 2011



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Friday, December 31, 2010

U guys will never believe this.. As u know, I fell on tues then the day after, went to class BBQ. Theresa cooking was great.. :) then 8 plus went home cos leg was like not feeling so well and thank you Shafa and Halizah for accompany me to the bus stop. Then yesterday didn't go for band cos leg was even more pain sia.. N got fever D: then my grandmother force me go see doctor and this doctor say must go hospital cos leg injure+fever. Night time go the KTPH n was like limping n ended up in a wheel chair. OMG! Well, why everytime have festive day sth like this would happen to me? Got mc for 2 wks of p.e. Lols. I don't know what to do now.. Haha BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:56 PM

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Omg, after two weeks of break from band, i haven't finish math hw.. and band again.. *goan* Satrted at 9 and met jane at 9.10 and reach there at 9.20.. hehe. Play and play then lunch.. as usual play again and in the end sang mof "=.= mr ghazali said it was horrible but i tink it was super funny.. After band, wanted to walk home with jane and shafa forgot her file.. so we RAN back.. it was a bad decision and i stepped into mud! N resulting me to fall infront of the school and infront of the entire band. Very paiseh leh and then when jane saw me, she also kinda fell and shafa was like looking into our direction.. we were like embarrased.. omg! JAne ones wasnt really injured and Afini, Shafa and Jane help me.. thanks guys! Jane and i kept cursing the ground. and jane accompained home and took a taxi from there but anyway still thanks! There blood and it painful.. RED REDRED!!!!! I currently going insane so please ignore me..teehee. That all..

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:45 AM

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Yipee! Gone to Singapore flyer today with Bei Zhi.. brother and father..Actually it was kinda a last min plan cos bz ask her mother yet then i also ask my father to drive us there yet.. then she came around 3 plus and so call help me choose my clothes.. haha. waited for my father to arrive and my brother then say he wanna tag along. '._. So sat in the car for 1/2hr.. saw Orchad packed with people.. And finally reached Singapore flyer. Buy tickets and stuff.. We even had to scan our bags before entering it. Cool:) Soon reached the entrance... & took the FLYER! :D It has a super great scenary! N we were lucky to have 8 people occupying the entire cabin.. The 4 of us and 2 other couples :) I shall stop here.. N upload the pictures cos it much more enjoyable then me typing.. hehe:) ENJOY!~

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:11 AM

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I bored.. Didn't go for the sectionals with jingyi cos I had like diarrhea yesterday night. It was super painful.. Gotta go tuition later but haven done tuition homework. '._. my parents might be going to Japan this ween cos my mother need to go there to work for a few weeks.. I want to go but if i go, I would miss school reopen. Japan sia!!! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:42 PM

Saturday, December 18, 2010

HELO EVERYONE! Thanks for the tags! Had a great week..
Monday~ Tuition, super funny.. we talk talk talk about our teacher then she come in and we started laughing and she think we are insane.. haha
Tuesday~ Went out with my aunty to nexx.. the newest shopping mall.. had great time shopping!
Wednesday~ Went out with Salena to Northpoint cos actually supposed to practise instrument.. ended up walking around np and eating at the library there..
Thursday~ Waked up early in the morning and waited for Salena, Yicheng and Jane cos we doing our part sectionals.. hehe @Salena house.. Mostly is she playing with my clarinet.. And there was this girl who is the superclarinet girl in youtube and she is so pro with her clar.. omg! Then we went to JQ house~ yc, jane and me.. Watched Hello Strangers.. it funny and kinda about a love story.. then her sister was watching a nc16 show and we were like watching part of it.. Don't wanna talk about it.. super disgusting and scary.. YUCK! KIDS ARE NOT INNOCENCE AT ALL! IT call the murderer.. okay, i won't continue with it cos i creep out liao.. Instead, we count potatoes at neo pets.. hahahaha, great games
Friday~ Cousin- Lucas finally came to visit us.. after his PSLE of 259..wooh~ Played com and cards game! But it interesting ;D
TOday~ FINALLY went to Malaysia, JB to shop! Kinda fun and appeitizing cos i was mostly enjoying the food..teehee^^ And sorry to those who had called or sms me cos i didnt bring my hp there and came home like 11 plus so sorry if i didnt reply or call back :) Feel like sleeping now.. So good night everybody! Post picture some other days cos there is a major problem on that~

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:13 AM

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

OMG! Guess what? My pri 1 long lost best friend found me on facebook!! I don't know how she does that! Well, to her, hi! So long never see u liao.. misses you so much..! And she currently in Pei Hwa and i have no idea where that it!
Last Friday was a great day for Jie Rou cos we were celebrating her birthday! Was super fun! Went all the way to Paris Pis Park with Jie Rou, Jane, Jia Qi, Sabrina and Yi Cheng. Finally, we reached there at around 2 plus. Then we walked to the park but have no idea where is it so we walk and stuff.. then came to the park but it is the connector one, super quiet! So, we walk and stuff then gave up cos all of us is hungry and sat like near downtown east there and eat Jane's handmade sandwich~ bread and ham! ;D Ate the cake Jia Qi, Sabrina and Jane bought for her.. Chocalate and blueberry... yum! Later, we went to downtown east. First, we played bumber car.. and we were divided into 2 groups.. me, jane and yicheng and jie rou, sabrina and jia qi.. it so call like band and sc groups.. hehe. so we went first! SUPER FUN SIA!!! Bang and bang each other and get giddy! WOOTS! After playing, we went to play the 4-D rollar coaster thingy.. its kinda cool and thrlling and i scream alot for fun cos it like the first time playing it thought it isn't cos i had played both the 4-D animations one in Sentosa. And with the same ppl. Watching jr, jq and sabrina expression was really shiok! haha, no offense cos they also see my horrible reaction to it. Soon, we take neo prints.. and finally, the six of us in it! It the best one too :D We walked to the paris ris park after that.. it was super fun.. it like the best playground so far! There was so many things to play and it was thrilling. But i ended up losing my hp and finding it again! THANK GOD and THANK YOU THAT LADY WHO FOUND IT! Therefore, we rushed back and took my dad car home! It was like 7 plus liao.. it was quite a fun day
Sunday was a 1E3`10 class chalet! Meet Jie Rou, Jane and Sabrina @ Bedok Mrt cos i was eating there.. I took the mrt that they were boarding and they alight at Bedok.. and i had to alight and board the Bukit merah mrt to pasir ris.. and then to Escape Theme Park! The pirate ship and the log thingy was the funnest! Shall not elaborate on it and soon we were meeting Yicheng and we walked to the chalet room before walking to pasir ris park. Then Jane, Sabrina sent Jie Rou home while Sabrina take some of her things.. Yicheng and i then decided to go ETP again to play a few more rounds before going for the bbq.. search for a long time before fnding it and then took some photos with mr nurul, shafa, nirwana and yicheng and just so coinsedence the last one gena ANYHOW press by me and took nobody and just a black pictures came out.. wth! Well so sry guys if u did nt have a chance to take it! next time then.. The food was super nice! It was a total fun days except for a few incident which was kinda my fault.. i m sry and that all i can say to u :( That all.. cya post pictures some other time
For yr info, my hp bill hit 90 plus.. omg! Wa, scolded until wat say! :(

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:46 AM

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It not really clear~
Me & Jane
Went back to sch yesterday cos got some band activities going on and we were actually playing basketball. volleyball. frisebee. Play until super tired! Left around 12-1 plus. Surely gena suntan one.. Had suntan the most this year cos of the outdoor activity like ole1, the sentosa outing and the band camp.. very obvious too. Hehe.. took photo again.. with Shafa and Nirwana. So long never see Nirwana already. Walked home after that with them before falling into sleep and going to tuition after that.
Today is POP~ Passing out Parade! Finally it over.. Played and played songs.. but there was no marching cos of the bad weather... but that what we have been training all along in the first place.. Kin Feng got best in drills and music for recuit, Adwin got best in music, Shafiq got best in drills.. :) Then the promoting thing for sec2 and above.. so we sec1 just remain as private.. Played song:
Thunderer ( Junior Band)
YMCA ( Junior Band)
Best of Queen ( Senior Band)
Don't stop believing (Senior band)
M.O.F ( Everyone)
Challenge ( Everyone)
All does ppl who had A for their solo had to perform and thankfully i had a B+ :P Finally over, went back music room.. Well, at least we perform today and kinda enjoy it :) Still had lots of room for improvement for me :( Finally, we went home... and on the way home.. guess what? I saw BZ and her father.. omg, very paiseh so i left immediately.. sry about that :P .. (Ps to bz: Your father must have think that i am crazy or something) Got to go.. bb! :D

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:19 AM

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Taken during the guard exchange thingy~~

Today was another tiring+fun day.. Meet Shafawati before meeting Patricia and gang to watch the guard exchange thingy.. left yishun mrt around 4.45pm. Then reached dhoby ghaut and meet mr ghazali and his gang before going infront of the istana house to see the parade.. finally get infront but the parade was almost over.. it was cool thought.. the band was super good! And they have their score grip to their instrument.. COOL! After that, WALKED to orchard road... saw lots of building.. even FAR EAST PLAZA!! REMEMBER GUYS? Ya.. walked alot just to find a place to eat.. ended up at Mac again.. Ate with Jessica, Felicia, Patricia, Shi Ting and Shafawati.. Talk about lots of things.. Finally.. we walked back to mrt.. leg tired sia! Ended up only Shafa and me going home.. in the mrt.. shafa keep laughing cos she say i suddenly shout when i talk to her.. ?? I even band to a pole just now..WTH?! Thanks to taking a blur photo of the x'mas tree.."=.= Didn't want to go tmr but i tink i will go tmr cos they say can practice marching..
Yesterday... was kinda boring but i was watching EClIPSE like for the whole day.. lols! so exciting and disgusting when you know the part and when good vampire kill bad vampire.. especially victoria one..
The day before yesterday, went out with family to causeway to eat, end up buying eclipse dvd.. lols.. but i thought yesterday then come out.. at least i got it..hahah. came home and went out AGAIN with jane back to CAUSEWAY.. took the same bus with MAY and her sister..!!! OMg! her sister so pretty. Tried to avoid her in the bus and then went in causeway and saw jeremy with his gf.. omg! Jane and i _______ them! Gave up and then took neo prints before taking TAXI there.. so reach there in time.. saw Shahirah when we first step in then sat with her in the first row to the left.. behind us were Hazzry, Gabriel,his sister, Amirul.. ya.. may and jeremy were there too.. Ms Tow (sci cher) and Mrs Mala (eng cher) were there!!! Ms Tow saw us but Mrs mala didn't.. :P Later, we stalk someone until i realised i lost my hp.. super super panick! Wa, run out of the theatre in the middle.. super paiseh then still can't find it.. After the show realised my hp was passed to a teacher.. so thankful.. had a great time enjoying the show except the hp thingy.. yeah, that all for today! Post the pictures tmr! ;)

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:44 AM

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Woohoo.. last band practise before POP.. :P Had sectionals today.. and i was terrible cos i was second clar with shafiq and andraa was with dany for first clar. Hamisah keep saying that i play very soft.. but i got not enough air liao leh "=.= After that, went to the hall to rehearse POP drills cos it rainning. Had a different formation like the one on the Court Yard.. Jane was beside me when we march forward and after everything.. while marching off.. Keith step on my shoe twice in a row.. lols. and kept saying sorry.. :P And it was super funny. Tomorrow going choir concert with Jane.. :D

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:31 AM

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Althought my BLOG is super dead, i'll continue to blog as i'm bored ..
Had a band camp this 3 days but only one night camp.. The camp started yesterday.. ODDS and NCCland also had their camp but i tink theirs are 2 night camp.. very fun but tired.
Started off early in the morning yesterday.. did drills first.. had drills untill leg so tired! But it was fun! :D Then it was lunch time.. ncc and odds people were also there eating.. food was mix rice.. not really nice and the food was like similar everyday.. After that play the clarinet and then march in the parade square with ncc people staring at us.. very paiseh leh.. they were like letting us use it and then they were like cheering.. lols! Then after that play play play and bath.. the bathing queue was super long.. then the sch was like so super scary alrd.. Had dinner right after that and play at the hall till 10.30-11pm plus? As usual, Dany, Shafiq, me and May all got called out cos we were bad.. and to ask a Loyang alumi to teach us.. MAy was like asking all sorts of things.. :P Still can't hit high c.. :( After that, went to the toilet.. no, run to the toilet. While returning, Jane shouted, cosing me to shout too.. all the boys stare at us sia.. '.__. Reached the hall and took out sleeping bag.. SLept beside Jane while she slept beside Shafa.. they were like trying to use ear phone and stuff.. soon we went to slp but still can hear the senior footstep walking here and there.. the wind was so cold.. *sneeze sneeze sneeze* Can't believe i was still up at 2-3am.. omg.. soon i was awake but guess wat?? Last to wake up sia.. took a bath after that and it was breakfast a bread and milo prepared by some of us.. seat in groups of 8 ppl and Jane, Yicheng, Yu en and i were in the same group with ppl like sam, philemon, amirul and friends.. super funny sia.. Play murderer and whacko.. super fun!! But it ended as we had to do drills.. at first it was super tirng then mr de came and it was less tiring?? Ate lunch and realised ODDS and NCCland already left sch.. so good sia! After lunch play some songs and the drills before going home.. so tired sia.. during it, my sweat drop into my eyes.. so pain then i think that mr de thought maybe i crying.. maybe not.. better not! :P Well, gonna get a good slp tonight :)

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:38 AM